Why this is needed: When it comes to alcohol, tobacco and drugs there are no regulations of pesticides, synthetics and additives used for the processing of the finished product. It is a freelance industry with an almost unlimited open door to poison people’s minds, bodies and spirits. Ultimately funding the downward spiral of those who ingest these products, those funds
Why this is needed: We want to rebuild a society where children can thrive in a loving, caring and safe environment. This is imperative as they hold the potential and promise of a beautiful future and will carry things forward. They must be protected from the harms of pedophilia in all forms and adrenochrome harvesting abuse. The damages caused by
Why this is needed: Life has never been fair on this planet, with 10% living like kings in comparison to the rest of the world. Food shortages are a global disgrace when we produce enough to feed three planets each year. 1.3 billion people with no electricity or power is tragic in this modern age and is suggestive of a
Why this is needed: This world is a disgrace and an embarrassment, riddled with the most evil of crimes against humanity, and yet no one has come up with a solution to correct these ills. Much of the world’s crime is driven by engineered scarcity, whereby many people have no option but to get involved in crime. Crime, in overview,
Imagine a world where everyone has enough clean, safe water. Why this is needed: Our most precious resource is the subject of scarcity programs too numerous to list, and is provided to the people as dormant bulk water that is denatured, stagnant, and electromagnetically incoherent. It is also provided at hugely inflated prices when humanity deserves to enjoy complete and
Why this is needed: Mass media has been monopolized with only six organizations controlling all the worlds media outlets – television, print, radio and internet. This monopoly has had a devastating effect on all peoples and countries. It has created enormous stress on many peoples, and rendered the public with lower levels of intelligence, by believing in blatantly false stories,
1. Cooperative Utilities Why this is needed: Making excessive profit on the basic needs in life must end if we are to progress as a species. The current business models for the essentials in life should not be a profit-making enterprise. Everyone on the planet should be cared for and considered, with access to the basic essential resources for living.
Why this is needed: Humans are tripartite, of body, mind and spirit. We live to advance our spirits by growing our minds and hearts. Everyone is different and achieves this objective using their own unique paths; our decisions are ours. Free will and choice is the greatest of all possible forces within the universe. The very existence of existence itself,
Why this is needed: Funding for police, jails, court systems and medical expenses due to this relatively benign activity that is currently considered a criminal offense, is a heavy financial burden for communities and taxpayers. Many sex workers are afraid to seek help regarding clients who are violent for fear of being dismissed or arrested; 80% of all sex workers
Why this is needed: Disaster Relief and Emergency Response programs have failed to organize and swiftly deliver real tangible help to people, who suffer disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or other natural events. Rather than helping those affected by large-scale disasters, FEMA, Red Cross and other agencies who collude with corporations, buying high-cost “relief items” that never get used.
Why this is needed: Schooling: 0-16 Our children are the future of the human race. The current education system has become little more than an indoctrination and control system, preparing children to become useful cogs in “their” world. The loss of emotional intelligence, critical thinking, logic, problem solving and creativity has damaged our children, rather than to prepare them to
Why this is needed: What can be said about the existing corporate structures of America other than everything about it is wrong and failing? Corporate greed and CEO wages have created a bottomless pit of waste and excess designed to fail. The workers in large industries have been marginalized, reduced in their humanity and robbed of their life force energy.
Why this is needed: Insurance evolved from assurance in the 17th century, where one party assured the safety of a ship or its cargo, or made good any potential loss against the ship or its cargo. Insurance falls under Admiralty Law jurisdiction as a debt security with associated penalties and obligations. According to UCADIA, Assurance provides a surety, which is
Why this is needed: The Medical / Pharmaceutical / Insurance monopoly in the US no longer serves the people. Health costs in America are beyond the range of madness and beyond the price bracket for many Americans. This is not befitting of an advanced country, never mind a civilization. The cost of American health treatment is almost as bad as
Why this is needed: COVID fallout will be a big problem in the near future, and we are already seeing the effects of that even at this early stage. If all doctors and researchers who spoke up and out against this scam are correct, then major issues will arise. Government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, mainstream news and
Imagine a world where everyone has a safe, comfortable, affordable home. Why this is needed: Everyone has a natural right to shelter. We also have a natural right to credit (capital), which is defined as stored or accumulated labor and represents the cooperation of all to serve the needs and desires of each. People and especially families need homes they
Why this is needed: The current Income Tax System is a harvesting system designed to keep the majority in or close to poverty. Originally, most Income Tax came about to pay for the endless wars of the late 19th and early 20th century. Today, income taxes are collected to pay government debts accrued from pointless wars and irresponsible spending. It
Why this is needed: The current pirate banking and financial models are designed to harvest our life force energy. They only work when communities are sufficiently divided and weakened in trust that people rely on the bank to provide an “artificial” form of trust — “security”. Using “security”, a community may still function but at a greatly reduced efficiency, and
Why this is needed: Crime is just about the largest issue we all face on this planet, and yet, too often the ones involved in crime are the ones that were supposed to prevent it. Sometimes this is due to coercion and blackmail at the top of each organization, and sometimes it just becomes a malignant opportunity because certain departments
Why this is needed: For too long now this world has been poorly run by so called “special families”, who have stifled growth, contributed heavily to wars, dictated which countries are rich and poor, thereby creating class division. These families and their monopolies in banking, minerals, food, farming and high tech have not only stunted growth, but have caused serious
Written for American soldiers, but can be adapted worldwide for all military personnel Why this is needed: There is a pernicious and fundamental problem in how America returns its soldiers to society after duty. Many American active-duty soldiers can’t return home due to heavy drug and chemical use/abuse, as well as the mind control aspect, which is pervasive and goes
Why this is needed: What we’re really talking about here is everything under the aegis of the DOD (Department of Defense), who operate a web of waste and corruption that extends to corporations, intelligence agencies and illicit practices worldwide. The Pentagon is a disaster and they answer to masters that have no interest in the common people of this world
Why this is needed: Energy is one of the five essential needs for life along with food, water, clothing and shelter. Energy is different because it enables an expansion of an individual’s existence. Oil and its products have the most flexibility because they can be easily and cost-effectively transported and stored, and have a wide range of applications. Energy usage
Why this is needed: We live in a time where there is no Law, there is the appearance or the color of Law. We have laws that are secret, unclear mandates and rules that cannot be applied. We have a private BAR Guild system that has monetized crime, contractors as agents acting as judges under public oath whilst under a
Why this is needed: Corporations monopolize industry and technology. Certain corporations have been able to buy or steal any new innovations, either suppressing them or putting them on the market before other companies could compete. Some of these companies were set up by agencies such as the CIA, DARPA and NSA, to collect private/personal data for spying and profiling purposes
Why this is needed: For the last 500 years the world has been moved towards a system of pauperism, ignorance, depopulation, barbarism and debt slavery. For the survival of our species, it is imperative to create a new system that elevates and equalizes the condition of men and women in all countries of the world.“One looks towards universal war; the
Why this is needed: America has been whittled down to just a fraction of what it once was. The current system is not a positive, life-affirming system, but a system of harvesting and control. It is being run by self-serving entities that harvest America and its people of all our wealth. Solution: What’s needed is a full withdrawal of any
Why this is needed: A Government for and by the people in this country has never existed in its true form. It can be argued we have not had an American government since 1871, and indeed further back to the formation of America in 1776, by founders who had a personal and vested interest in creating such. The United States,
Imagine always having access to plenty of safe, healthful food? Why is it needed Soil conditions have been degraded all over the earth by overuse of chemical fertilizers and herbicides. Farm practices around growing vegetables and raising animals for food have become factory-based. The use of drugs, chemicals and genetic modification to maximize production and profits shows little concern for
All Charities should be for the people, with one aim to empower them and free them from whatever situation they come to need help with. Why this is needed: Charities and Foundations have, from inception, been run mainly by bloodline and wealthy families which have served themselves. Churches guilt their fellowships into tithing, up to 10% of their gross income,
Gangs and Drugs Solutions
Why this is needed: When it comes to alcohol, tobacco and drugs there are no regulations of pesticides, synthetics and additives used for the processing of the finished product. It is a freelance industry with an almost unlimited open door
Pedophilia Solution
Why this is needed: We want to rebuild a society where children can thrive in a loving, caring and safe environment. This is imperative as they hold the potential and promise of a beautiful future and will carry things forward.
Global Shortages Solution
Why this is needed: Life has never been fair on this planet, with 10% living like kings in comparison to the rest of the world. Food shortages are a global disgrace when we produce enough to feed three planets each
Full Disclaimer for Full Disclosure Solution
Why this is needed: This world is a disgrace and an embarrassment, riddled with the most evil of crimes against humanity, and yet no one has come up with a solution to correct these ills. Much of the world’s crime
Water Solution
Imagine a world where everyone has enough clean, safe water. Why this is needed: Our most precious resource is the subject of scarcity programs too numerous to list, and is provided to the people as dormant bulk water that is
Mass Media Solution
Why this is needed: Mass media has been monopolized with only six organizations controlling all the worlds media outlets – television, print, radio and internet. This monopoly has had a devastating effect on all peoples and countries. It has created
Essential Services Solutions
1. Cooperative Utilities Why this is needed: Making excessive profit on the basic needs in life must end if we are to progress as a species. The current business models for the essentials in life should not be a profit-making
Science and Technology Solution
Why this is needed: Humans are tripartite, of body, mind and spirit. We live to advance our spirits by growing our minds and hearts. Everyone is different and achieves this objective using their own unique paths; our decisions are ours.
Legalizing Prostitution Solution
Why this is needed: Funding for police, jails, court systems and medical expenses due to this relatively benign activity that is currently considered a criminal offense, is a heavy financial burden for communities and taxpayers. Many sex workers are afraid
Disaster Relief Solution
Why this is needed: Disaster Relief and Emergency Response programs have failed to organize and swiftly deliver real tangible help to people, who suffer disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or other natural events. Rather than helping those affected by
School, Training and Apprenticeships Solution
Why this is needed: Schooling: 0-16 Our children are the future of the human race. The current education system has become little more than an indoctrination and control system, preparing children to become useful cogs in “their” world. The loss
Production, Income and Fair Wage Solution
Why this is needed: What can be said about the existing corporate structures of America other than everything about it is wrong and failing? Corporate greed and CEO wages have created a bottomless pit of waste and excess designed to
Insurance to Assurance Solution
Why this is needed: Insurance evolved from assurance in the 17th century, where one party assured the safety of a ship or its cargo, or made good any potential loss against the ship or its cargo. Insurance falls under Admiralty
Health Care and Health Cost Solution
Why this is needed: The Medical / Pharmaceutical / Insurance monopoly in the US no longer serves the people. Health costs in America are beyond the range of madness and beyond the price bracket for many Americans. This is not
COVID Solution
Why this is needed: COVID fallout will be a big problem in the near future, and we are already seeing the effects of that even at this early stage. If all doctors and researchers who spoke up and out against
Housing Solution
Imagine a world where everyone has a safe, comfortable, affordable home. Why this is needed: Everyone has a natural right to shelter. We also have a natural right to credit (capital), which is defined as stored or accumulated labor and
Tax Solution
Why this is needed: The current Income Tax System is a harvesting system designed to keep the majority in or close to poverty. Originally, most Income Tax came about to pay for the endless wars of the late 19th and
Banking and Financial Systems Solution
Why this is needed: The current pirate banking and financial models are designed to harvest our life force energy. They only work when communities are sufficiently divided and weakened in trust that people rely on the bank to provide an
Rogue Elements Solution
Why this is needed: Crime is just about the largest issue we all face on this planet, and yet, too often the ones involved in crime are the ones that were supposed to prevent it. Sometimes this is due to
Bloodline Families Solution
Why this is needed: For too long now this world has been poorly run by so called “special families”, who have stifled growth, contributed heavily to wars, dictated which countries are rich and poor, thereby creating class division. These families
Soldier Return Solution
Written for American soldiers, but can be adapted worldwide for all military personnel Why this is needed: There is a pernicious and fundamental problem in how America returns its soldiers to society after duty. Many American active-duty soldiers can’t return
Military and Defense Industry Solution
Why this is needed: What we’re really talking about here is everything under the aegis of the DOD (Department of Defense), who operate a web of waste and corruption that extends to corporations, intelligence agencies and illicit practices worldwide. The
Oil and Transport Solution
Why this is needed: Energy is one of the five essential needs for life along with food, water, clothing and shelter. Energy is different because it enables an expansion of an individual’s existence. Oil and its products have the most
Law Solution
Why this is needed: We live in a time where there is no Law, there is the appearance or the color of Law. We have laws that are secret, unclear mandates and rules that cannot be applied. We have a
I.T. Solution
Why this is needed: Corporations monopolize industry and technology. Certain corporations have been able to buy or steal any new innovations, either suppressing them or putting them on the market before other companies could compete. Some of these companies were
Countries Solution
Why this is needed: For the last 500 years the world has been moved towards a system of pauperism, ignorance, depopulation, barbarism and debt slavery. For the survival of our species, it is imperative to create a new system that
American Overhaul Solution
Why this is needed: America has been whittled down to just a fraction of what it once was. The current system is not a positive, life-affirming system, but a system of harvesting and control. It is being run by self-serving
Government Solution
Why this is needed: A Government for and by the people in this country has never existed in its true form. It can be argued we have not had an American government since 1871, and indeed further back to the
Food and Soil Sustainability Solution
Imagine always having access to plenty of safe, healthful food? Why is it needed Soil conditions have been degraded all over the earth by overuse of chemical fertilizers and herbicides. Farm practices around growing vegetables and raising animals for food
Churches, Charities and Foundations Solution
All Charities should be for the people, with one aim to empower them and free them from whatever situation they come to need help with. Why this is needed: Charities and Foundations have, from inception, been run mainly by bloodline