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Youth Action guide

Small steps for a brighter future

The law actions


Read:    The Consent booklet provided by THI at  thinkdifferent.thepeoplesclub.org to understand how you give consent, often without realizing it, and how it impacts your life, as well as how to deny or revoke consent.

Learn:   Frank O’Collins provides in-depth examination of the court and BAR systems and what has passed for law in our societies. UCADIA blogs also provide extensive information.


The universe operates on a simple system: Free will consent is required for all actions and interactions; otherwise there are consequences to those who violate this law. Those consequences are known as karma and can take many forms, from illness to misfortune to death. On the other hand, acting in harmony with this law has beneficial karma that can take forms from health to prosperity to joyous experiences throughout life.


  1. Do no harm or wrongdoing.
  2. Speak no harm or deception.
  3. Accept no harm or wrongdoing.


True Rule of Law is based on these requirements:

True Rule of Law is based on these requirements 

1. All are equal under the law.
2. No one is above the law.
3. All are responsible for their own actions and inactions and the consequences of those actions and inactions.
4. All are innocent until proven culpable.
5. All contracts required consent freely given without coercion or deception and in full understanding by all parties to the contract of all consequences of entering into the contract; otherwise, the contract is null and void from the beginning, meaning that it never existed.
6. Every living man and woman of any age is an embodiment of Divine Source Creator and therefore is full owner of himself or herself and cannot be owned, in part or in whole (mind, body, soul, genetics, body parts, or offspring), by any man or woman or entity or organization.
7. Property ownership is the highest Right and is the Right to control, use, or claim a thing and/or the fruits (products, results, offspring, and/or benefits) of a thing.
8. To be valid, laws must
  (a) apply equally,
  (b) be concise and easy to learn and know,
  (c) be spoken aloud before being written for the purpose of maintaining a record of the law.
9. All laws must be
  i) Simple and easy to comprehend,
  ii) Sensible and fulfill a valid purpose,
  iii) Reasonable and compel no impossible, immoral, or unreasonable acts,
  iv) Respectful to all regardless of their race, creed, sex, appearance, skills, employment, ethnicity, native language, degree of prosperity, and any other characteristics,
  v) Moral and loyal, neither permitting profane acts nor endorsing disloyal acts,
  vi) Consistent and not contradictory or confusing,
  vii) Honest and not deceptive as to purpose or effect,
  viii) Merciful and neither impose nor encourage cruelty, vengeance, or violence,
  ix) Remedial, meaning to provide an opportunity to correct or remedy a violation rather than simply impose punitive measures.



  1. Think well to and of yourself and others.
  2. Speak well to and of yourself and others.
  3. Treat others, and yourself, as you would wish to be treated.


Ten more things you can do now


  1. Encourage friends, family, and members of the community to read the Consent booklet and watch the videos or read the blogs of Frank O’Collins to understand how our consent has been weaponized against us.
  2. Encourage local and state/provincial politicians, lawyers, and other officials to read The New Blueprint For Humanity, found through org, and specifically the Law Solutions and Government Solutions.



  1. Remember that you are a living being, an embodiment of the Divine Source Creator, and that no earthly laws can override that connection to Source.
  2. Stand firm in your own power by denying consent to all that is not for your good and/or not for the good of all of us.
  3. Do not comply with illegal orders and mandates and unlawful statutes.
  4. Read statutes and find the “loopholes” such as a Preamble or other clause that specifies that the statute or bylaw or ordinance must accord with the Constitution, Charter, Bill of Rights, or other applicable law that is meant to govern all other laws.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the Constitution and any amendments, Charter, Bill of Rights, and other overarching laws that are meant to govern all other laws.

Youth E-Lerning Cource

The Law Explained

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Law Solution

Why this is needed:

We live in a time where there is no Law, there is the appearance or the color of Law. We have laws that are secret, unclear mandates and rules that cannot be applied. We have a private BAR Guild system that has monetized crime, contractors as agents acting as judges under public oath whilst under a higher secret oath, creating an unequal system where “elites” are above the law and people are considered chattel, property and things. There can be no justice in this system, there can be no honor or Rule of Law in this system; hence, there is no Rule of Law.


  1. End all legalese, which is the language of babble.
  2. End all Law associations like the BAR system, which is a private Crown-based club of, “rules for one and not for others” system.
  3. Retraining all legal professionals under the natural Ucadia system.
  4. Have all courts, judges and operatives adopt and adapt to the new system, that does not function as a private maritime collection service on behalf of the few.

How to restore the True Rule of Law:

In the Vedas, the law behind existence is Rta, and it is said to tamper with it will prove deadly. The whole of creation is called sat, which has an inbuilt Cosmic/Divine law, Rta. If sat (existence) is a fact, then the value which we realize out of it is Rta (Cosmic/Divine Law). When we realize Rta, the value of the whole of creation, we are humbled and naturally become more caring towards the universe. The entire universe supports our sustenance and the whole of creation toils for our existence. This awareness infuses immense gratitude in our hearts. The word Rta has no equivalent in English but can loosely be translated as the cosmic order in the Universe, Divine Law governing the Universe. The word Rta is derived from the root word ṛ which means dynamism, vibrancy, seasoning and belongingness. Rta governs the moral aspect of man. The line between good or evil runs through every human heart; we have to choose which side of that line we stand. We can choose Rta, Cosmic/Divine Law or not, this is the choice in every moment and every decision we make that creates the society we live in. We get what we choose, and by choice, consent to, and the Universe echoes back what we transmit. Rta manifests as The True Rule of Law under The Golden Rule; that all are equal under the law, no one can be above the law.

We can restore Rta and The True Rule of Law if we restore the Four Pillars to The Golden Rule of Law: Equality, Measure, Standard and Voice:
• Equality: All law is equal and no one is above the law.
• Measure: All law is measured so that all may learn and know it.
• Standard: All law is standard so that it may always be applied the same.
• Voice: All law is spoken as it is the spirit of the word that carries authority, as all action under law is by word of mouth, and writing be for memory and never law in effect.

To restore the True Rule of Law we must also restore Sacred Trust through restoring the idea of true oaths, vows and promises that my word is my bond, and that what people say is what they mean and the notion of restoring Sacred Office. If people have no trust between one another, and if people do not have confidence with one another, then the True Rule of Law will continue to decline and remain open to control and manipulation. A new model is needed to replace the existing model if we are to choose Rta and restore the True Rule of Law. This model can be found in Ucadia, a complete model created by Frank O’Collins. Ucadia contains 22 Canons of Law, which when studied and adopted, provide a path to competence and the restoration of Law. Ucadia also contains charters, a new monetary system and concepts that provide the structure to form communities based on trust and justice system founded on clean hands, good faith and impartiality so it is always applied without prejudice, bias or hidden interests. In order to adopt Ucadia as a solution, the Canons will need to be taught to individuals willing to become competent, for it is only when individuals are willing to take self-responsibility to choose to live a life according to Rta (Cosmic/Divine Law), learn and live honorably, can Rta and True Rule of Law be restored in our society.

Who gains:

Everyone gains from the restoration of the True Rule of Law, due process and justice where all are treated equally under the Law.

Who benefits:

Everyone benefits from living in societies founded on the True Rule of Law.